Incidents happened in Gujrat during 0725 to 0734 has connections to Kutch. Bhavads have defeated Jayshikari and established his rule that was called Solankis' age. Mulraj Solanki's son-in-law Lakha Ghurara was on rule in Kutch and was very strong. After him his son Lakha Fulani came on rule. Lakha Ghurara established Aangargadh in Kutch. Then later from 0950 onward Chalukyas ruled in Kutch till 1257, approximately 350 years. During his period with Jainism many Hindu sub-religions like Shaiv, Saya and Vashiav came into being in Kutch. After Chlukyas end, Vaghela ruled in Kutch till 1304 when Mogul sultan Allahuddin Khilji came on rule. In 1147, Jam Lakha started his rule of Jadeja and it ends in 1947 with Mahravshri Vijayraji Jadeja. After Jam Lakha, Jam Rayshan came on rule. During his times, the rule of Vaghelas came to an end, not only in Kutch but also in Gujrat. During this period many wars and jealous intentions of Gujrat and Kutch's rulers made ways for Mugals to come here Sindhi Samas, Kathis, Sumaras and Mugal Sultans who attacked Sindh and Kutch, made great impact on the history of Kutch. Before the Middle Ages, the ruler of the king of Kutch doesn't really had anything like kings. He was just a leader who looks after cattle and he didn't have any kind of army as such.
After Raidhanji, Jam Odha came in rule from 1215 to 1255. The great famine of 1259 produced great personals like Seth Jagadusha who helped people of Kutch during the Famine. He distributed grains and foods items from his personal godowns. | |
He also built wells and water stands in many places in Kutch. After jam Odha's rule, his brothers and sons fought against each other for the thorn, and Jadejas' were divided and Abada conquered one region and it was called Abdasa. During this time Muslim rules started ruling Kutch and Gujrat.
The present proper rule of Kutch was came into being with Khengarji the first . Sultan Ahemadhah gave him the title of 'Rav' and gave his Morbi to rule. He defeated Jam Raval and became the first Rav king of Kutch in1548. He ruled till 1585 when he died at the age of 90. After him Rav Bharmal fought couple of times against the Mugals but couldn't do anything and accepted their sovereignty over him. |
When Jahangir came to Ahemdabad in 1617, Bharmalji Presented him 100 horses and 100 golden coins and made him so happy that he let his taxes forgiven. After him, in the times of Rav Bhojraji, Rav Shri Khengarji the second, Ravshri Tamachiji, Rav Shri Raydhanji the first, Ravshri Pragmalji the first and Ravshri Godji the first; nothing much happened.
Mughal Emperors, Muslim Pirs, Sultans, fakirs, oliyas, and army personals have affected political history of Kutch. They became one with the leaders of Kutch and worked with them for the benefits of Kutch. In the times of Ravshri Devalji , with the help of his minister Devkaran, fought against Muslim attackers from other foreign countries and saved Kutch. | |
After him Rav Lakhapatji ruled Kutch well. He encouraged business with foreign, industries and shipping activities. But history says that he lost all his treasures in artistic literature and music and dance.
Ramsingh Malam started Glass factory, clock factory, foundry for melting pharos iron. He also started technology institute in Bhuj. Rav Raydhanji ruled Kutch from 1778 to 1786. People of his family spoiled him but he respected whatever his father Rav Devlji did for Kutch. |
Rav Devlji developed the shipping business of Kucth and enriched the economy through farming. Anjar's Meghji Seth rose his voice first against Rav Raydhanji's self-willed orthodoxy and violence. Army personal like Dosalven and Fatehmahommad served the state honestly and without any religious prejudice that helped to stop the bloody revolution.
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